i don’t fit.

9 May, 2011

Jesus is doing a work of transformation inside of me. He is revealing the deep insecurities that I’ve tried to keep buried, and showing me just how broken I am.

I am constantly putting up this “i have it all together” front. Well, let the truth be known. I don’t. I am broken.

Throughout my entire life I have always been told that as long as I did my best, it was enough. But the problem is, I don’t have a best. When I decide to do something, I throw myself at it. I give it everything I have. I sweat, and bleed, and fight, and push against resistance. And when it’s over, when I meet failure…I play the whole thing over in my head. Piece by piece, slide by slide, every scenario. What could I have done different? Where could I have given more? What didn’t I do that kept me from succeeding?

Internally, I begin shredding myself up– pushing insults inward, beating and chastising myself to no end. Then, I resolve to do better; to be better– to start fresh. And the cycle starts all over again, pushing myself into exhaustion.

So now that I’ve discovered the problem…what’s at its root? why do i do this to myself?

That part is simple. Insecurity.

I’ve swallowed this lie– hook, line, and sinker– that if I just do this or that thing then I will be successful, then I will have value, then I will be enough. But it’s all just a big lie.

I cannot continue to live this way.

One Response to “i don’t fit.”

  1. kelseyjoy said

    you are right – it is a lie! but it is a lie that is easy to fall into the lap of.

    i will be praying that you don’t allow yourself to fall into that lie, & that you push through it & find your success & value in God.

    i see a lot of beauty & success in your life though. our society gets so caught up in the stories of missionaries overseas or the successful doctor who has saved lives. we get caught up in the BIG things. but we don’t give enough praise to the man who is a great husband, or the woman who is a great mother, of the kid who is so diligent with his paper route. we forget to praise the types of people who live a more typical yet so inspiring way of life! don’t lose sight of the wonder in that!

    you’re in my prayers.

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