
10 October, 2011

I’d like to say that it’s some inspiration of my own that has caused me to resume writing, but alas, the truth is that my husband is literally forcing me to blog. Yep, at this exact moment what I would really love to be doing is ordering some deliciously greasy onion rings off of grubHub, but instead I find myself plodding down my ridiculous and hardly worthwhile thoughts. This may seem like a sharp contrast from my previous entries, and the most pointed explanation is that, well, it is.

It’s time for a transition.

This blog originally began as a way to record the spiritual happenings that were the overarching theme of my life earlier this year. Though, this is not to say that my spiritual life has dropped to a degree of lesser importance, because, it has not. The simple truth is that the changing of seasons is a fairly regular occurrence. And while I make myself out to be the golden ring- deprived victim here, my husband truly does have my best interest at heart. His hope is that each night I will steal away a sliver of time to electronically scribble some event or interesting story of the day. He also adds that I will thank him at some point, a debate which will be shelved until a later date.

So, the sum of all this nonsense is that once again I will develop this webtronic record of my life. It will be mostly for me (and my dear hubby, i suppose), but if by chance along the way you happen to enjoy some smattering of silliness, I will not object.


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